MPO Members

The Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) implements and oversees the 3C transportation planning process in the Pioneer Valley region.  The objective of the 3C transportation planning process is to assist, support, and provide the capability to maintain an open comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing transportation planning and programming process at all levels of government in conformance with applicable federal and state requirements and guidelines.  The Pioneer Valley MPO was restructured in August of 2006 to enhance the role of the local communities in the transportation planning process and allow local MPO members to represent sub regional districts respective to community size and geographic location.

  • The Secretary and CEO of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  • The Administrator of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division
  • The Chair of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
  • The Chair of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority Advisory Board
  • The President and CEO of the Western Massachusetts Economic Development Council (EDC)
  • The Mayors of two of the following three (3) urban core cities:
  • The Mayor or a Selectboard Member of one of the following four (4) cities and towns:
West Springfield  
  • The Mayor, Selectboard Member, or Town Councilor of one of the following five (5) cities and towns:
NorthamptonSouth Hadley 
  • A Selectboard Member or Town Councilor from one of the following fourteen (14) suburban and rural towns:
BelchertownBrimfieldEast Longmeadow
  • A Selectboard Member of one of the following seventeen (17) suburban andrural towns:

In addition, the Administrator of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA), the Administrator of the Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA), the Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) Chair, and one representative each from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the five (5) alternate community MPO representatives, and one representative each from both the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division District One and District Two Offices shall be considered ex-officio, non-voting members of the Pioneer Valley MPO. Alternate members shall be additional chief elected officials from each of the above-cited categories of communities and he/she shall be eligible to attend, participate and vote at MPO meetings in the event that the primary member cannot attend.

Pioneer Valley MPO Members

Monica Tibbits-NuttSecretary and CEO of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Jonathan L. GulliverAdministrator of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division
Walter GunnChair of the Pioneer Valley Executive Committee
Chair of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority Advisory Board
Domenic SarnoMayor of Springfield (Sub-Region 1)
John VieauMayor of Chicopee (Sub-Region 1)
Michael McCabeMayor of Westfield (Sub-Region 2)
Gina-Louise SciarraMayor of Northampton (Sub-Region 3)
Mark GoldLongmeadow Selectboard (Sub-Region 4)
Roger FullerChesterfield Selectboard (Sub-Region 5)
Rick SullivanEconomic Development Council of Western Massachusetts
Joshua A. GarciaMayor of Holyoke (Sub-Region 1)
William ReicheltMayor of West Springfield (Sub-Region 2) 
Nicole LaChapelleMayor of Easthampton (Sub Region 3)
VacantSub-Region 4
VacantSub-Region 5
Ex-Officio (Non-Voting) 
Joi SinghFederal Highway Administration
Peter ButlerFederal Transit Administration
Sandra SheehanPioneer Valley Transit Authority Administrator
Tina CoteFranklin Region Transit Authority Administrator
Bill DwyerChair – Pioneer Valley Joint Transportation Committee