Civil Rights and Title VI Resources

The Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization ( PVMPO) is a cooperative body of ten signatories designated by the Governor to act as a forum for ensuring a Continuing, Cooperative and Comprehensive(often refer red to as the “3C”) decision making of transportation investments within the region. The 3C frame work followed by the PVMPO promotes the involvement by all levels of government, stakeholders and general public through a proactive public participation process. The Pioneer Valley MPO complies with all federal and Massachusetts civil rights laws and policies.

Transportation Equity Program: Identifies the transportation needs of protected populations through outreach and data collection, ensures that these needs are considered in the MPO’s activities, and evaluates the extent to which the MPO meets the needs of these protected populations.

Public Participation Program: Provides avenues through which all residents, including protected populations, can participate in the MPO’s transportation-planning and decision-making process.

Complaint Filing: Complaints filed under a federal law or policy (based on race, color, national origin [including limited English proficiency] sex, age, or disability) must be filed no later than 180 calendar days after the date the person believes the discrimination occurred. Complaints filed under a Massachusetts Public Accommodation Law (based on race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or ancestry) or Governor's Executive Order 526, section 4 (based on race, color, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, disability, veteran's status [including Vietnam-era veterans], or background) must be filed no later than 300 calendar days after the date the person believes the discrimination occurred. The full complaint procedures are described in the documents below:

Civil Rights Notice to the Public TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM
Civil rights Notice to the Public Complaint Form
إشعار الحقوق المدنية للجمهور نموذج شكوى الباب السادس
向公众发出的民权通知 第六章投诉表
向公眾發出的民權通知 第六章投訴表
Avis au public sur les droits civils Titre VI Formulaire de plainte
Avi dwa sivil bay Piblik la FÒM PLENT VI PLENT
Avviso al pubblico sui diritti civili Titolo VI Modulo di reclamo
សេចក្តីជូនដំណឹងស្តីពីសិទ្ធិពលរដ្ឋចំពោះសាធារណៈជន ទម្រង់បណ្តឹង Title VI
Aviso ao público sobre os direitos civis Título VI Formulário de queixa
Уведомление общественности о гражданских правах Раздел VI Форма жалобы
Aviso de derechos civiles al público FORMULARIO DE QUEJA DEL TÍTULO VI
Thông báo về quyền công dân cho công chúng Mẫu đơn khiếu nại Tiêu đề VI